• There is one God, the creator of all things, who is infinitely perfect and eternally existent in three persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
  • The bible (Old and New Testaments) is the inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word of God.
  • In the Word (bible), we find the revelation of God’s eternal and unchanging will for everyone. The Word (bible) is the divine and final authority for the Christian life.
  • Jesus Christ is the union of God and man. He is true God and true man, conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary.
  • All have sinned and come short of the glory of God and are in need of salvation.
  • Salvation has been provided through Jesus Christ for everyone.
  • It is the will of God that every Believer be filled with the Holy Spirit.
  • Healing is provided in the redemptive work of Christ and is available to every Believer.
  • The Church consists of all those who have received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
  • In water baptism, and observance of the Lord’s Supper.

View PAOC Document of Essential Truths  (PDF format)


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